Limpet Labels (UK) operates a management system designed to achieve continuous improvement in, company profitability, the quality of its service as perceived by the customer and the personal development of its staff. Management sees these objectives as being mutually compatible. The management systems are based on the requirements of ISO9001 – 2015.
In order to meet the objectives, it is the responsibility of the Top Management to show a clear commitment to quality by:
Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the quality management system
Ensuring that the Quality Policy and Quality Objectives are established for the quality management system and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organisation
Ensuring the integration of the quality management system requirements into the organisation’s business processes
Ensuring that the quality management system achieves its intended results – achieved by measuring quantifiable results against targets aimed at continuous improvement.
Engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the quality management system
Promoting improvement
In order to meet the objectives everyone shall:
Be given the means to take responsibility for the standard of their own work
Have an informed and consistent view of the objectives
In co-operation with others, actively contribute to fulfilling the objectives
Process and Performance Orientation
We shall identify, describe and manage our processes effectively and will use Key
Performance Indicators, Organisational Context Log and Risk & Opportunities Log to continuously improve the business and service to our customers.